Sunday, September 23, 2007

Creative Juices

Well, we were out shopping yesterday, looking at dishes and pottery type stuff, which can be mind-numbing great fun. While I do enjoy eating straight from the pizza box, plates can be cool sometimes, I suppose. We bought a few things. My wife picked a cool serving dish shaped like a leaf. Here's some items that I picked up. Click to enlarge all pics, yo.

So once I got this stuff home, this is what I did with it:

I bought the plants from a different store and had to snip most of their roots off to fit them in the little holes. My thinking is, they won't need as many roots if they have more exposure to water.

I thought it turned out pretty cool. Hopefully the plants live... If not, I guess we'll have two new serving dishes and some random crap to collect dust.
Photos by Tokyo Slim


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